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  • Fentanyl BioSieve ToxiSmart Handheld Analyzer With Bluetooth Printer CLIA Waived $840.00

    It can in 5 minutes provide from a urine test, printable results for fentanyl as low 1ng/ml. This printable Fentanyl test is CLIA WAIVED.

    This unit has a Promo that provides one free Analyzer with printer plus  a set of controls with the purchase of 4 boxes of 25 tests, at a sell price of $840. This also provides free shipping to the customer.

    Costs per test is $8.40 test and these tests sell for $840 per case of 100 tests.

    Shelf life of tests over two years at room temperature. Controls frozen. Additional controls can be purchased at $149.00 if needed or free with large purchases of tests.

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