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Dukal Cavex Impression Material $3.13 – $525.00Select optionsItem DescriptionCavex CA37 Alginate, Fast Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex CA37 Alginate, Regular Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex Impressional Alginate, Regular Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex Impressional Alginate, Fast Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex ColorChange Alginate, Fast Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex Orthotrace Orthodontic Alginate, Extra Fast Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex Cream Alginate, Normal Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex Cream Alginate, Fast Set, Dust-free, 500g bag, 20 bg/csCavex Water Dosing Bottle, 1/bxCavex Mixing Bowl, Blue, 1/eaCavex Mixing Spatula, 1/eaCavex Alginate Powder Scoop & Water Measuring Cup, 1/setAlginate Storage Container, Blue, Includes: Powder Scoop & Measuring Cup, 1/bxAlginate Storage Container, Pink, Includes: Powder Scoop & Measuring Cup, 1/bxCavex Temporary Cement, Non-Eugenol, 1 Tube 35g Base, 1 Tube 16g Catalyst, 1 Mixing Pad, 1/bxCavex ImpreSafe Disinfectant Refills, 1 Liter Bottle (1000mL), 6 bottles/csCavex ImpreSafe Starter Kit, Includes: 1L Bottle, (1) Disinfection Container with Tray, (1) Timer, (50) Writeable Ziplock Bags, 1/bxCavex GreenClean Alginate Remover, 1 kg, 1/tub, 18 tub/cs
Dukal Unipack Impression Trays & Supplies $2.66 – $8.45Select optionsItem DescriptionU-HOLD Bite Trays, Full Arch, Pink, 30/bxU-HOLD Bite Trays, Anterior, Lavender, 35/bxU-HOLD Bite Trays, Quadrant, Yellow, 35/bxU-HOLD Bite Trays, Posterior, Blue, 50/bxU-HOLD Bite Trays, Sideless Posterior, White, 50/bxU-HOLD Bite Trays, Assorted (7pcs each size), 35/bxImpression Syringes, 5ml, 50/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #1 Large Upper, Yellow, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #2 Large Lower, Yellow, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #3 Medium Upper, Blue, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #4 Medium Lower, Blue, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #5 Small Upper, Orange, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #6 Small Lower, Orange, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #7 Quad UL/LR, Green, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #8 Quad UR/LL, Green, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #9 Anterior Upper, Pink, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #10 Ant Lower, Pink, 12/bgColor-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, Assorted (4pc med, 2 pc of each other size), 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Large Upper #1, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Large Lower #2, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Medium Upper #3, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Medium Lower #4, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Small Upper #5, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Small Lower #6, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Quad UL/LR #7, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Quad UR/LL #8, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Anterior Upper #9, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Anterior Lower #10, 12/bgBLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated Assorted (4pc med, 2 pc of each other size), 12/bg
Dental Merchandise, Impression Products, Materials-Bite Registration, Medical & Surgical Equipment & SuppliesMydent Defend Bite Registration Material $38.94 – $1,442.20Select optionsItem DescriptionBite Registration, Regular Set, Unflavored. 2x50 mL cartridges + 6 teal mixing tips/pk, 10pk/bx, 4bx/csBite Registration, Fast Set, Unflavored. 2x50 Ml cartridges + 6 teal mixing tips/pkBite Registration, Super Fast Set, Unflavored. 2x50 Ml cartridges + 6 teal mixing tips/pkBite Registration, Fast Set, Mint Chocolate Chip. 2x50 Ml cartridges + 6 teal mixing tips/bx, 20bx/csBite Registration, Super Fast Set, Mint Chocolate Chip. 2x50 mL cartridges + 6 teal mixing tips/pk, 10pkbx, 4bx/csHard Bite Registration, Fast Set, Unflavored. 2x50 mL cartridges + 6 teal mixing tips/pk, 10pk/bx, 4bx/cs
Mydent Defend Mixing Tips $20.78 – $1,038.68Select optionsItem DescriptionIntra-Oral Tips, Clear, Large, 100/bgUniversal Mixing Tips, Clear, 48/bgIntra-Oral Tips, Clear, Small, 100/bg, 50bg/csIntra-Oral Tips, Yellow, 100/bgT-Mix Mixing Tips, Teal, 48/bgT-Mix Mixing Tips, Yellow, 48/bgT-Mix Mixing Tips, Pink, 48/bgHP Mixing Tips, Purple, 7.5mm, 48/bgT-Mix Crown & Bridge Mixing Tips, 10:1 & 4:1, Blue/ Orange, 25/bgCrown & Bridge Mixing Tips, 1:1, Blue/ White, 25/bgT-Mix Crown & Bridge Mixing Tips, 1:1, Blue/ White, 25/bgTemporary Cement Mixing Tips, Brown, 25/bgT-Mix HP Mixing Tips, Core Material, Brown + 25 X-Fine Clear Intra-Oral Tips, 25/bgT-Mix HP Mixing Tips, Core Material, Brown + 25 Standard Clear Intra-Oral Tips, 25/bg
Mydent Defend Super Hydrophilic Vps Impression Material $46.71 – $934.45Select optionsItem DescriptionVinyl Polysiloxane Putty Kit-Regular Set. Includes 2x300 mL jars + 2 scoopsVinyl Polysiloxane Putty Kit-Fast Set. Includes 2x300 mL jars + 2 scoopsVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Light Body Regular Set, 50 ML cartridges, 20pk/csVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Heavy Body Regular Set, 50 ML cartridges/pkVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Light Body Fast Set, 50 ML cartridges/pkVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Medium Body Fast Set, 50 ML cartridges/pkVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Heavy Body Fast Set, 50 ML cartridges/pkVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Monophase Body Fast Set, 50 ML cartridges/pkVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Medium Body Regular Set, 50 ML cartridges, 20pk/csVinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, Monophase Body Regular Set, 50 ML cartridges/pk
Pacdent Gingi-Pak Cosmetic Materials $15.13 – $65.09Select optionsItem DescriptionEtchPro(TM) Gel Syringe, Econo, 20/pkEtchPro(TM) Gel Syringe, Regular, 4/pkRootPro Root Canal Sealer **Temporarily Unavailable for Sale**AutoMix Tips, Brown, Taper Endo, 50/pk (Item on Manufacturer Backorder Inventory Limited when Available)Delivery Tips, Pre-Bent Needle, Brush-Padded End, 100/pkDelivery Tips, Pre-Bent Needle, Micro Brush, 100/pkDelivery Tips, Curved Black Brush Tip, 100/pkDelivery Tips, Curved Black, No Brush, 100/pkPre-Bent Needle Tips, 18G, Liner, Pink, 100/pkPre-Bent Needle Tips, 20G, Flow-Sealant, Yellow, 100/pkPre-Bent Needle Tips, 20G, Flow, Black, 100/pkPre-Bent Needle Tips, 22G, Flow, Grey. 100/pkPre-Bent Needle Tips, 25G, Luer-Lock w/ 7mm Depth Mark, Blue, 100/pkGingiBond(TM), 1 x 6 mL bottleGingiBond Plus(TM), 1 x 6 mL bottle
Pacdent Gingi-Pak Impression Materials Accessories $15.00 – $57.90Select optionsItem Description15 Gauge Luer-Lok Needles, Orange, 24/pk18 Gauge Luer Lock Needles, Pink, 24/pk3/8" Inlay Syringe (Clear Barrel)19 Gauge Needle Assembly (Brass Lined) and CapSuperStick Inlay Syringe # 1Gingi-Wet® 16oz. BottleGingi-Fix® 12oz. BottleInlay Syringe (Brass Lined)23 Gauge Luer Lock Needles, Red, 100/pk4-Wells, 200/pk2-Wells, 200/pk
Pacdent Gingi-Pak Opti-Tray Disposable Impression Tray $3.70Select optionsItem DescriptionImpression Tray, Upper Large, 12/pkImpression Tray, Lower Large, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Medium, 12/pkImpression Tray, Lower Medium, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Small, 12/pkImpression Tray, Lower Small, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Left/ Lower Right Quadrant, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Right/ Lower Left Quadrant, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Anterior, 12/pkImpression Tray, Lower Anterior, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Left/ Lower Right Quadrant, Non-Perforated, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Right/ Lower Left Quadrant, Non-Perforated, 12/pkImpression Tray, Upper Anterior, Non-Perforated, 12/pkImpression Tray, Lower Anterior, Non-Perforated, 12/pk