Dukal Unipack Impression Trays & Supplies


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Weight 0.25 kg
Item ID

10362734, 10362735, 10362736, 10362737, 10362738, 10362739, 10362743, 10362744, 10362745, 10362746, 10362747, 10362748, 10362749, 10362750, 10362751, 10362752, 10362753, 10362754, 10362755, 10362756, 10362757, 10362758, 10362759, 10362760, 10362761, 10362762, 10362763, 10362764, 10362765

Manufacture ID


Manufacture Name

Dukal Corporation

Product ID


Manufacture Item Code

UBT-7311, UBT-7312, UBT-7313, UBT-7314, UBT-7315, UBT-7316, URS-55900, UTA-7201, UTA-7202, UTA-7203, UTA-7204, UTA-7205, UTA-7206, UTA-7207, UTA-7208, UTA-7209, UTA-7210, UTA-7210-A, UTA-7211, UTA-7212, UTA-7213, UTA-7214, UTA-7215, UTA-7216, UTA-7217, UTA-7218, UTA-7219, UTA-7220, UTA-7220-A

NDC Item Code

DUK UBT-7311, DUK UBT-7312, DUK UBT-7313, DUK UBT-7314, DUK UBT-7315, DUK UBT-7316, DUK URS-55900, DUK UTA-7201, DUK UTA-7202, DUK UTA-7203, DUK UTA-7204, DUK UTA-7205, DUK UTA-7206, DUK UTA-7207, DUK UTA-7208, DUK UTA-7209, DUK UTA-7210, DUK UTA-7210-A, DUK UTA-7211, DUK UTA-7212, DUK UTA-7213, DUK UTA-7214, DUK UTA-7215, DUK UTA-7216, DUK UTA-7217, DUK UTA-7218, DUK UTA-7219, DUK UTA-7220, DUK UTA-7220-A


Stock Item, 14-21 Days

Item Description

U-HOLD Bite Trays, Full Arch, Pink, 30/bx, U-HOLD Bite Trays, Anterior, Lavender, 35/bx, U-HOLD Bite Trays, Quadrant, Yellow, 35/bx, U-HOLD Bite Trays, Posterior, Blue, 50/bx, U-HOLD Bite Trays, Sideless Posterior, White, 50/bx, U-HOLD Bite Trays, Assorted (7pcs each size), 35/bx, Impression Syringes, 5ml, 50/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #1 Large Upper, Yellow, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #2 Large Lower, Yellow, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #3 Medium Upper, Blue, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #4 Medium Lower, Blue, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #5 Small Upper, Orange, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #6 Small Lower, Orange, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #7 Quad UL/LR, Green, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #8 Quad UR/LL, Green, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #9 Anterior Upper, Pink, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, #10 Ant Lower, Pink, 12/bg, Color-Brite Impression Trays, Perforated, Assorted (4pc med, 2 pc of each other size), 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Large Upper #1, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Large Lower #2, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Medium Upper #3, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Medium Lower #4, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Small Upper #5, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Small Lower #6, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Quad UL/LR #7, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Quad UR/LL #8, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Anterior Upper #9, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated, Anterior Lower #10, 12/bg, BLU-TRAY Impression Trays, Perforated Assorted (4pc med, 2 pc of each other size), 12/bg


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